So, You Wanna Know about Frigidity?

The purpose of this blog is, as the title suggests, to discuss my personal pain and frustration with being married to a frigid woman. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, a “frigid” woman is one who is emotionally and physically cold. She simply does not want physical contact with her husband, especially having sex. I am sure there are frigid men out there, but I am pretty sure the overwhelming number of people that fit this description are women. I would like to differentiate between women who just have sex less as the years go by, and those that simply do not ever want to do it at all. I have read that psychologists define a “sexless” marriage as one in which the couple has sex ten times or less a year; there have been several years like that for me. Most married adults have sex, on average, between two or three times a week. I am lucky if it happens more than once a month and isn’t gawdawful. You are welcome to read, but please try to avoid slapping stereotypes and quick judgments on me or her. For those of you that are looking for something to “get your jollies,” well, I hate to disappoint you, but this blog is not it. If anything, you will read scintillating tales of people not having sex.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cannot even sit with her...

Last night, the missus and I had a giant argument over my attempt to...sit next to her.  I kid you not.  She was sitting on the couch, and I attempted to get under the blanket and sit right next to her.  She flew off the handle, and said "I am tired, and I just want to sit here."  Fine.  I pointed out that I was just trying to sit next to her; what is wrong with that?  She reiterated that she wanted to sit there...which she was already doing.  I was baffled.  She said that she just wanted to sit on the couch together, but apparently not actually next to each other.  My heart just shattered.
Goodness, I hate this @#$@$$$$.  Why, oh why, do I have to be married to some lazy iceburg that does not even want to SIT next to me?  Why do I have to be so miserable?
I have decided that there is no reason for me to set some kind of timetable; what is going to change in the next month?  I think, subconciously, the timetable is for me; I need time to figure out just what I want to do.

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