So, You Wanna Know about Frigidity?

The purpose of this blog is, as the title suggests, to discuss my personal pain and frustration with being married to a frigid woman. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, a “frigid” woman is one who is emotionally and physically cold. She simply does not want physical contact with her husband, especially having sex. I am sure there are frigid men out there, but I am pretty sure the overwhelming number of people that fit this description are women. I would like to differentiate between women who just have sex less as the years go by, and those that simply do not ever want to do it at all. I have read that psychologists define a “sexless” marriage as one in which the couple has sex ten times or less a year; there have been several years like that for me. Most married adults have sex, on average, between two or three times a week. I am lucky if it happens more than once a month and isn’t gawdawful. You are welcome to read, but please try to avoid slapping stereotypes and quick judgments on me or her. For those of you that are looking for something to “get your jollies,” well, I hate to disappoint you, but this blog is not it. If anything, you will read scintillating tales of people not having sex.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Angry Guy

I have just been re-reading some blogs on the Internet by some frigid women.  A lot of these posts mention the fact that a lot men married to these frigid women seem to be just angry.  Not just angry at their wives, but at women in general, at marriage, and life itself.  As with so many other aspects of this, the women are completely bewildered by it.  They just don't understand why these guys are so worked up.
At times, I am one of them.  I am ANGRY, especially at my wife, for acting like this, but also with myself, for enduring this for so long.  I don't want to be, but my emotion just spills over.  When we got married, I agreed to "forsake all others," and I have kept my side of the bargain.  I didn't pledge never to eat another woman's cooking (though that does make my wife mad), never to talk to another woman, or work with another woman.  I pledged not to sleep with another woman.  Implicit in that arrangement is that the woman I marry will meet me in a warm embrace, and, yes, we'll sleep together.  I didn't join a monastary.
For those of you reading this who are saying "You can't treat her like an object!", I am not treating her like an object.  I agreed never to fool around with another woman; sleeping with my wife is the only acceptable way for me to deal with sexual longing.  If that makes me guilty of "treating her as an object," well, every married man on the planet apparently fits that bill.  What would you have me do?  Spend every night by myself wishing some woman (especially the one in my bedroom) would show me some affection?  I can do that as a bachelor; I don't need someone living in my house as an self-absorbed roommate, spending my money, yelling at my kids.
For those of you that say "You have to think of her feelings, too," well, sorry, her feelings will almost never go to the bedroom.  Let me turn it around:  our present arrangement will not take my feelings into account at all.  This is not a compromise in any way.
I am angry because my wife just doesn't seem to get it.  I think she believes that intimacy is just some extra bonus that some wives will provide their husbands; if she doesn't want to do it, ever, that's just too bad.  She really does not realize that I, like almost every other man on the planet, will eventually leave her over this.
I am frustrated that my wife, just like most of the women who blog about being frigid, has deluded herself into thinking that she is really this hot, boiling pot of sensuous desire, but, darnit, her husband just didn't empty the dishwasher.  As I mentioned in my page about why women themselves believe they are frigid, she thinks just "one more thing" will turn her into a bedroom dynamo.
I am also angry with myself, for letting things get this bad.  I really don't know how or why my wife lost interest in me, but I should have done more to either make her know how upset I was a couple of years earlier.
So, yes, occasionally I am that angry guy.  If you are reading this, and you're frigid, please understand that your man will eventually leave you for someone who will show him love.

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